Projects – 2015

Equitas, Montreal
Tusonge, Moshi

Context and issues

The Tanzanian partner of Equitas, Tusonge, develops models to awaken the children and the young people in the questions of human rights and supports their initiatives to reduce the violence, promote the gender equality and the inclusion, and guarantee the respect for human rights. With the support of local actors of Moshi, in the region of the Kilimanjaro, the activities include some community initiatives managed by young people and at the same time sessions of training for the local intermediaries.


PRWB’s role

This time, Equitas requested RPSF to answer two very precise needs for Tusonge:

  • The necessity of a communication plan which will be fastened to the organisation’s activities;
  • The importance, for the participants, to transmit more clearly and in a more concise way, their spoken and written messages to various public.



DateMission Head
December 2015Pierre Gince



Pierre Gince, APR, the mission head, prepared a custom-made formation of four very busy days for the group of a dozen people. This basic training in communication, at the same time theoretical and practical, was profitable for each of the participants largely thanks to two determining factors: a meticulous preparation before the on-the-spot arrival of the project manager, thanks to a questionnaire with the participants and to conversations on Skype, as well as a preparatory visit of the project manager from its arrival, before the beginning of the formation, to see the team of Tusonge in action in the bush and at the local market.


Additional information

Link towards the web site of Tusonge

Internews, Guinea
Ebola Chrono, Conakry

Context and issues

Internews produced in Guinea, EBOLA CHRONO, a daily radio program and an electronic newsletter about Ebola. The radio program is broadcasted by 34 regional stations. The news bulletin is sent to approximately 200 people by e-mail. Internews wishes to multiply the tools of information in a way that all the media, the regional radios, the electronic bulletin and the social media, conjugate their efforts and play a vital role in the impact and the distribution of messages affecting the questions of health. This project is financed by OFDA-USAID since December, 2014 and it will be in operation until April, 2016.


PRWB’s role

The objective of the present session is to form, remotely, two writers of the electronic bulletin Ebola Chrono as well as the journalists and other agents of Internews in Guinea regarding social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). It is advisable to underline that given that Ebola is now under control in Guinea, Internews will put more and more the accent on the problems of health generally in its media.

Because of the narrow relation between the various media, it was suggested by PRWB holding a single session which would combine all the participants. The session was kept by Skype September 12th. It concerned the key elements of an effective information. Both trainers were Yvan Cliche for the social media and Colette Schwartz for the newsletter. A presentation was prepared and transmitted to the participants before the session.



DateMission Heads
September 2015Colette Schwartz and Yvan Cliche



All the key elements to optimize the impact of the newsletter and the social media Facebook and Twitter was considered relevant by the participants. The new newsletter was published by holding in account the recommendations and the new layout.

Equitas, Montreal
Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (RADDHO), Dakar

Context and issues

In anticipation of the meeting multi-actors which will be held in the end of October 2015 in Dakar, the Coalition of the organizations of the civil society – which groups the Equitas Senegal network with the support of Equitas Canada, the RADDHO and the committee of fight against violence against women – has for objective to become the reference center where will converge the specific actions in the sense of the recommendations of the annual periodic examination (EPU), the strategic meeting which will gather all the governmental and social actors who put of the front strategies to counter the violence made for the women, for the young people and for the children.

The challenge is considerable and the stakes are multiple while the Coalition concentrates on following both problems:

  • the violence under all its forms the women of which are victims, the young people and the children is a phenomenon which must be estimated in a long-term perspective because of the numerous cultural social factors which are associated to it in cities as in rural areas;
  • the question of the recognition of the registry civil status of the children to allow them the access to the education. Although the situation improves thanks to the bigger and bigger implication of the various governmental and social authorities, actions must be put to remedy this situation in the shorter run.


PRWB’s role

The purpose of this mission is to help Raddho to take the leadership and to strengthen its role by allowing them to export their model of functioning in other regions of the country. The creation recently of local committees which set up structures and strategies turns out to be effective, but it is necessary to widen the circle of supports to assure a longer-term viability and to improve the imputability of the various actors.



DateMission Head
August 2015Joanne Fortin



During the mission, Raddho better defined its communication plan and developed a detailed action plan in anticipation of the meeting multi-actors for the EPU. They also worked on the various arguments and began to collect the various quantitative and qualitative data to make progress their actions.


Additional information

Link towards Photos Facebook of the mission
Link towards the web site of Raddho
Link towards the page Facebook of Raddho

Akanksha Foundation

Context and issues

In spite of a lightning improvement of the number of inscriptions to the primary school in the last decade, the rates of unhookings in India are alarming.The Akanksha foundation, a non-profit organization, manages 16 public schools in partnership with the municipalities of Mumbai and Pune. Their mission is to supply a high-quality education to the children of low-income families to realize completely their potential and change their life.

The Akanksha foundation works closely with the parents and the communities surrounding their schools to create the conditions convenient to the learning. Everyone is engaged to contribute : headmasters, teachers, social and similar workers. The slightest problem which can damage the progress of the children is attacked frontally: alcoholism, violence, healthiness, food, etc.


PRWB’s role

The purpose of this mission is to help the Akanksha foundation to promote its activities with his various partners and donors. At the same time, a longer-term association which would allow the Foundation to benefit from advice of RPSF is for the study.



DateMission Head

July 2015

Mathieu Larocque



The Akanksha foundation will have now the possibility of using a bigger diversity of promotional tools. We shall watch with impatience the positive effects of these information campaigns which could favor the improvement and the expansion of its programs and activities.


Additional information

Link towards Photos Facebook of the mission
Link towards the page Facebook of the Foundation Akanksha
Link towards the article published on DN