
Through the PRWB pairing program, communications and public relations professionals provide pro bono support to local organizations in developing countries, enabling them to raise their profile, improve their perception and encourage new behaviors.

During a 3 to 6-month pairing program, local organizations in developing countries can benefit from pro bono support to help them produce a communications plan, develop communications tools or receive communications coaching. Online, expert individual or team volunteers focus their interventions on behavioral change communication, communication for social change, communication to promote ideas or communication in support of freedom of expression.

Pairing is ethically based on the United Nations’ principles of sustainable development, and draws on existing research in the field of Communication for Development (C4D). All local organizations receiving support must be recommended by an OIC partner of PRWB. Each expert volunteer comes from a professional association recognized by PRWB.

Program objectives

  • Strengthen the communication and public relations capacities of local organizations in developing countries.
  • Increase access to communications and public relations expertise
  • Increase recognition of the communications and public relations industry in the international cooperation sector.

The Pairing process

What is the process for pairing an expert volunteer with the various mandates?

  1. After consulting the database of expert volunteers and the database of mandates, the coordinator recommends a pairing to the project committee.
  2. The Project Committee accepts, either by e-mail or following a meeting.
  3. The coordinator organizes a preparatory meeting to which he/she invites
    1. The individual expert volunteer or the expert volunteer’s team representative.
    2. The representative of the local organization whose mandate has been retained. If necessary, the coordinator may choose to invite a representative of the partner ICO that recommended the mandate.
  4. During the preparatory meeting, which lasts a minimum of one hour, the coordinator uses the standard agenda and reviews the main elements of the tripartite contract with all parties. He also shares access to the virtual library.
  5. At the end of the meeting, and within one week, the coordinator forwards the model tripartite contract to the various parties.
  6. The coordinator ensures that the signed agreement is received by all parties within one week.