Projects – 2010

Cadre de concertation pour la lutte aux violences basées sur le genre, the “Cadre”
(Consultation framework for the fight against gender-based violence)

Context and issues

Gender-based violence, or GBV, is a major obstacle to development in many countries.

In 2004, Oxfam–Niger was instrumental in bringing together 19 Nigerian non-profits and four government ministries in a Cadre de concertation to fight these various forms of violence and assist victims. Oxfam–Niger, together with the United Nations Populations Fund, a major technical and financial partner in Niger, lead and support the work of the Cadre, which organizes training, information and awareness activities for its various audiences, notably in the context of the annual 16 Days campaign (16 jours d’activisme contre les violences faites aux femmes), which it has presented since 2006. The Cadre also conducts research and advocacy activities, as well as operating a referral service for victims.


PRWB’s role

PRWB strengthens public relations and marketing communications capabilities for Oxfam-Niger and the Cadre. Depending on the needs identified and taking cultural, economic and political factors into account, PRWB transfers relevant theory and best practices in public relations through training, coaching, audits and providing models for communication tools.

RPSF also played an active role in supporting the Cadre’s operations by providing organizational expertise for internal regulations, job descriptions and the development plan.


Missions completed

DateMission Head
September 2009Deanna Drendel
November 2009Deanna Drendel
March 2010Gilles J. Morin
November 2010Colette Schwartz
June 2011Patrice Lavoie
September 2012Patrice Lavoie


The Cadre has gained significant credibility with political authorities and civil society.

PRWB also contributed to consolidating the Cadre itself, through various activities aimed at clarifying its standards of reference and improving its operations.


Additional information

Photos 2009
Photos 2010
Photos 2012

Cadre de concertation pour la lutte aux violences basées sur le genre, the “Cadre”
(Consultation framework for the fight against gender-based violence)

Context and issues

Gender-based violence, or GBV, is a major obstacle to development in many countries.

In 2004, Oxfam–Niger was instrumental in bringing together 19 Nigerian non-profits and four government ministries in a Cadre de concertation to fight these various forms of violence and assist victims. Oxfam–Niger, together with the United Nations Populations Fund, a major technical and financial partner in Niger, lead and support the work of the Cadre, which organizes training, information and awareness activities for its various audiences, notably in the context of the annual 16 Days campaign (16 jours d’activisme contre les violences faites aux femmes), which it has presented since 2006. The Cadre also conducts research and advocacy activities, as well as operating a referral service for victims.


PRWB’s role

PRWB strengthens public relations and marketing communications capabilities for Oxfam-Niger and the Cadre. Depending on the needs identified and taking cultural, economic and political factors into account, PRWB transfers relevant theory and best practices in public relations through training, coaching, audits and providing models for communication tools.

RPSF also played an active role in supporting the Cadre’s operations by providing organizational expertise for internal regulations, job descriptions and the development plan.


Missions completed

DateMission Head
September 2009Deanna Drendel
November 2009Deanna Drendel
March 2010Gilles J. Morin
November 2010Colette Schwartz
June 2011Patrice Lavoie
September 2012Patrice Lavoie


The Cadre has gained significant credibility with political authorities and civil society.

PRWB also contributed to consolidating the Cadre itself, through various activities aimed at clarifying its standards of reference and improving its operations.


Additional information

Photos 2009
Photos 2010
Photos 2012