Accountability Lab collects rumors, concerns and questions from communities across Mali with the aim of raising awareness about COVID-19. At the start of the pandemic, several communication actions were organized by AL, including the publication of a weekly newsletter distributed to several What’s app groups, by email, and on social media. For Mr. Kondo, founder of the NGO in Mali and Mr. Fofane, communication officer, it was necessary to adopt a global communication strategy to engage the team and volunteers with clear guidelines and also prioritize the actions of communication, especially in the Mopti region. This is a mandate that our two heads of mission, Donna Battista and Myriam Balian, have successfully carried out, providing high-level strategic advices. For the NGO, the overall communication strategy has become a valuable tool in its fundraising efforts.
AL – Mali is a member of the Accountability Lab international network based in Washington D.C. in the United States. The main mission of the organization is to promote admissibility, integrity and consequently the fight against corruption within the Malian public administration.